Java Ritual...


It's Sunday @ 8am and I'm heading off to work church. Before I get there however, I will have stopped at St. Arbucks for my favorite drink. A Grande Quad Vanilla Latte.

Throughout the week I drink regular coffee...good quality coffee as I've posted here, but regular coffee nonetheless. For some reason though, I've dubbed Sunday as my fancy coffee day.

I feel like a better human with a good cup of coffee in my hand. I act like a better human too.

The drive will also include something moody and raw:


I do this every Sunday and If I can't for some reason I feel all jacked up.

What does your ritual look like?


22 waggish utterances thus far...:

Anonymous said...

I wish I had a ritual. But with 5 yr old twins, I just don't have time for a wonderful ritual. But I should - I deserve that right? Maybe that would be a good new year change. Thx for the inspiration Ryan!

Mom on a Coulee said...

In the midst of building a house our Sunday morning ritual has become a little haphazard, but because I believe in building our house upon the is something like this. Wake-up groggy and sore from working incredibly late tiling or pouring concrete countertops, find three dress outfits for the kids because jeans aren't okay, showers for those who need them, breakfast that hopefully doesn't spill, find something suitable for me to wear, hope the husband is moving along he needs to dress the 3 year old and brush the 5 year olds hair, then I get dressed, do my hair, hope he has finished his jobs, if not step in and give him a little dirty look, then get us all out the door and get to Mass on time, we haven't been late here yet. Make a spectacle walking in to bless ourselves with Holy water because the elderly in the front row can't get enough of three slightly behaved children remembering to bless themselves and genuflect to say hello to Jesus on a Sunday morning. I think that is my favorite part, walking into Mass and watching the front row of elderly men and women smile at my children who appear to be well behaved and orderly...if they only knew. Then I love sitting in Mass, forgiving my husband for his lack of help, disciplining my children to keep them quiet, and feeling the peace of God that surrounds my family. Sunday is my favorite because I get to go to church.

Sonja Chandler (The Sideline Mom) said...

I think Sunday as fancy coffee day is a good idea (and it made me laugh too)
Ahh yes, I love me a Starbucks Tall Vanilla Latte (2 pump) any ol' time but during the fall its the Pumpkin Spice Latte.
And at home I do and organic (dare I say) INSTANT coffee every morning. It's actually REALLY good believe it or not. Really good.

Have a really awesome day!

Laurie said...

I skipped church this morning.

My husband is in another town preaching and I don't think I can make it through church without him today.

Hindsfeet said...

My favorite java ritual is to make a pot of decaf at home, then to prepare a cup for myself and one of my daughters (the kid version is half milk/half decaf with a large splash of flavored, sweetened coffee creamer). Then the two of us head outside to a bench in the garden and sit and chat for some one-on-one time.

achildoftheking said...

I do not have any kind of rituals. Whatever I do is just a flip of the coin except each morning my 70 lbs Akita wakes me up with kisses to my hands & face to eat breakfast & go outside. That's the extend of any kind of ritual.

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

Mmm my coffee ritual has evolved over the years. I used to drink Starbucks almost everyday {$$!} when I was working. Especially Mondays...ugh.
But now, I live for the sound of the kettle whistling in the morning...telling me that in just 6 minutes the coffee will be steeped and ready to be pressed. Mmm. I love coffee.

Krista said...

Church starts at 8:30 A M and goes for THREE HOURS. So our "ritual" includes lunch and a NAP for me! ( I teach a class seven 4-5 year olds... I'm pooped!)

DMK said...

We call it Bucky's, but St. Arbuck's is good, too. A quad? Dang that's hardcore!

I hope you will write about your visit with your sister.

Not Too Old said...

We sleep in (7:30 or 8:00) then get ready for church. Then my son and I head for Sonic, where I get a Dr. Pepper and he gets a vanilla cherry coke, before we head to Sunday School. He heads for elementary, and I teach middle school. Hubs and Daughter each go to their respective St. Arbucks (Plano has 22) for their Sunday School - Agape and Latte for him, and Senior High Spirituality for her. The best part is going to Sonic with my son-we talk about interesting things, and it's always amazing where the Spirit leads us in those few minutes.

Anonymous said...

I love to drink tea actually...if I don't drink I don't feel right. I posted a blogpost about brewing the perfect cup of tea. I get all my tea from

Anonymous said...

I too love to drink from the bucks o' star. Like you, my early mornings is something freshly ground - a nice, bold blend. Mornings come around 5:00 am to get my work in before school, so I gotta say...the coffee DEFINITELY makes me a nicer person.

Wednesday nights are my Pumpkin Latte nights. After AWANA when my energy is spent, my brain is fried and all my limbs are oogly-googly from rec time (hello - kids with dodge balls find my slow body amusing) - it is THEN my husband drives through and gets me my drink.


Maren said...

I stop by Peet's Coffee where I get my to go cup and see a few friends I have made over the years who also make Peet's a Sunday morning ritual.

Kool Aid said...

We used to have a coffee shop in the same building as our church but it had to close over the summer. It was very disappointing because every Sunday, especially if it was cold, my husband would get some kind of flavored coffee and I'd get hot chocolate. We usually have just regular old coffee at home as we're waking up but treat ourselves when we got there.

That was a wonderful routine and I still haven't figured out where I can get a good hot chocolate before church. There's nothing between our house and the center.

Tenntrace said...

My coffee ritual is during the week. I gave up an expensive habit (Starbucks at least 3x a week) and in exchange I bought myself a Keurig coffee maker. Yum. Much better and much, much cheaper. Our Sunday mornings are usually very busy... trying to get everyone (hubby, myself, and 2 girls) out the door for church. Our Sunday ritual comes after church, when we usally go out to eat, and then the Sunday Afternoon Nap (it's important enough to have in capital letters).

Cheri said...

My wonderful husband makes coffee with freshly ground beans. I have a cup after my shower, then one to take to church. First cup is black. Second might have flavored cream.
Nothing like church and a cup of Java!
Thanks for welcoming my girl so warmly on Saturday night! It made her day.

Megan @ Hold it Up to the Light said...

Ok, I will admit my weird Starbucks ritual since you asked....

I don't indulge in the good stuff all that much, but when I do, the same thing always happens.

I usually "drive thru", pay, take my coffee, drive to the stop sign, take my first sip, and either say aloud or think to myself....

"AHHHHHHH....Nectar of the gods!"

And seriously, I only believe in the One. True. God.

I know....I'm a freak!

Kate said...

Oh my goodness, I just posted about my morning ritual not that long ago. When I got sober, my sponsor kept telling me to watch for rigidness in my life and try to see if I could be a little more flexible. In most things, I can be if I recognize it and name it and try to do things differently, but getting ready in the morning? Holy cow. I'm a creature of habit. But one of the habits I love the most is that I can't get out of bed until I've said my prayers and I can't brush my teeth until I've read my daily reflection and spent time in meditation. I'm all kinds of crazy if I don't do those things and I'm forever grateful that they have become a working part of my mind. That, and the fact that I make my bed right after I brush my teeth. Nothing feels better than that. Ha!

beri said...

Thanks for the note- I'm enjoying keeping up with your blog. Great photography, great message, great family. :)

DanThoms said...

1) wake up
2) go back to sleep
3) wake up again
4) check email
5) bath
6) brush teeth while checking more email and blogs
7) notice that I have I only have 5 minutes untill I need to leave for work
8) quickly pack my lunch (throw random stuff in a bag) get dressed and run out the door

Anonymous said...

It depends on the time of year...

When I only have to work during the church service, I get up, read, run and show up early enough to review notes with everyone else. I drink a good share of coffee as well... It is a good way to start the day...

When I have a team to train or a class beforehand, I scramble to get up when the alarm goes off, throw on clothes, run out the door, get to church, do the meeting, do the service, go home and take a deep breath and then do the aforementioned ritual... out of order.

Melissa said...

I am currently holding down three jobs while getting a new business off the ground, so the word 'ritual' has flown out the window completely. I find myself seeking things that are familiar in the midst of so much change, and the one thing I know I can count on each morning, come rain, shine, jobs 1, 2, or 3, is my Grande One-Pump No-Whip Cinnamon Dolce Latte, amen.