Steve and Liz...

Steve and Liz go to church with me. Scratch that. Steve and Liz are my friends. I love these two people. They have shown me what it looks like to remain faithful in God's promises and how to still enjoy life in the process of it all. Steve is the most easy-going, adaptable human I've ever known...he's fun to be around and has a personality that draws you in. Liz is willing to tell you how it is with brutal honesty and as a fellow brutalist, I love that about her. Plus, she loves NASCAR.

Below is a story I did on Steve and Liz's journey towards parenthood.

It will play at our church gatherings this weekend. Check it out:

More of these video stories can be found HERE, HERE, and HERE.

Lots of photographs are taken for a story like this.

Obviously...not all of them can be used:

hydrant peepee

9 waggish utterances thus far...:

Krista said...

I have always found the hurdles The Father puts in front of various individuals fascinating. Wondering what He hopes we learn, how He hopes we grow, how we as puny humans deal with what He has dealt us.

TERI said...

Very Powerful....

Hits deep to this Mother of a teenage son who is now the father of a 2 yr old. God has taught me some things these past few yrs.

Oh, how He has had to bend me!

Mr and Mrs Lorentzon said...

Hey, this was way cool and I appreciated it a lot.

After our own two-year adoption process, we came home with our baby girl from South Africa in June.

It is the most awesome thing we have ever had the honor to be a part of, and a really powerful thing to do together as a married couple. To God be the glory for that!

Thanks for posting this.

lizzytro said...

Thank you. This was amazing.

Debbie said...

God Bless you, Steve and Liz, for opening your home, hearts, and arms to children who so desparately need parents to love and nurtue them.

Unknown said...

Steve and Liz are two of the classiest people I know. Even when they're peeing on fire hydrants, they do it with class..

melanie said...

So I sobbed my eyes out watching this one. I think you've touched on a very big chord with talking of the pain of infertility. On Sunday and the weeks thereafter, people will approach you and thank you for sharing that. They will. Trust me.
And for the record, I love Liz. That Steve though...

Jessi said...

This was such an encouragement to me. I know exactly how they feel. My husband and I are struggling with infertility right now too.
Oh, this was perfect timing. God's hand is in my life in amazing ways right now.

Tracie said...

Thanks so much for sharing this with me, Ryan. Though I must clarify, I am Derek's sister in law, not wife. I am married to Derek's brother John, who is traveling out to minister with Derek this weekend. My son Nick is coming along on this trip too, as the team's drummer!

Thanks again!
Have a great weekend!