I've been packing my things...

I've been rushing around.

I've been gathering last minute items.

I've been buying cool guy stuff for hiking and camping.

I've been getting lots of hang-time in with my family.

I've been preparing myself physically, mentally, and spiritually.

I'm leaving around 4:30am for a mission trip to Honduras. My friends Eric and Ryan will be staying over at my house tonight for our early departure. Around 10 of us men will be in Honduras for 7 days lending our hands and feet to people who need them. We'll primarily be doing manual labor, building adobe houses, mixing concrete, hauling materials up and down a mountain, and a slew of other unbeknown tasks.

Please pray for us as this will be an extremely physically demanding experience. Also pray for our families as we leave them behind for a week. I know how much more work my wife will have ahead of her without me helping. The hardest part of this is not me worrying about what's in Honduras...I'll deal with whatever is there. I'm just really struggling with not being able to communicate with my wife and little girl for a week. Man, I love those ladies.

I'm excited to go and pour myself out so that Christ can fill me back up again. Mahatama Ghandi once said that "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." I guess we'll see what happens. Hopefully I'll bring back about 50lbs of Honduran Coffee.

I've asked Allison to fill-in for me during my blog vacation...we'll see what she comes up with.

3 waggish utterances thus far...:

DanThoms said...

I think your wife may need an accountability partner when it comes to filling in for you with the writing of the blogs.

ps. have an awesomely exhausting God time in Honduras.

Unknown said...

I'm praying for all of you, it's going to be great God time for all involved.

Helen Ann said...

Will be thinking if you and holding you all in prayer.

Blessings to you and may God knock your socks off with His presence and send you home with testimony that will fire all of us up!