Abnormal Fear...

(Blog by Allison)

Tonight while I was giving Ava a bath she got very upset. To the point that she was crying in the bath (or as Ava calls it back). I was washing her belly and then her belly button. Ava started trying to pull her belly button out of her stomach I suppose...and she started crying stuck, stuck. She was totally freaking out. She thought that something was severely wrong with her belly button. I kept telling her that it was fine and I really didn't get her to believe me until I took her out of the bath and let her look at it in the mirror.

I was doing my best not to laugh because I could tell that her fear was very real. It made me think back to being a kid myself and being afraid that I was going to be sucked down the bathtub drain or that my leg was going to get stuck in the escalator. Those fears were very real to me.

Which makes me think...Are there fears that I have as an adult that are just as crazy and unreasonable??

7 waggish utterances thus far...:

Helen Ann said...

I sometimes fear that if I speak my mind that no one will like me anymore. Or that if I am not so graceful when I speak my mind that God will be mad at me.

That's not to say I don't speak up - I usually can't help myself. UGH.

It's afterward that I worry - and I'll replay it over and over wondering how I can do better next time.

Maybe it's from being a writer...always revising.

DanThoms said...

When Ryan returns two things must happen. a) You need to start writing your own blog because you good and b) I need to return to having Monday night group at the Detzel residents, we ate goat stew at Todds

As for fears, yea, I'm pretty sure that all of my fears are about things that I have no control over anyhow so why should I worry about them. Fear stinks.

melanie said...

My very biggest tangible fear is of snakes. I don't know why, but I cry and sob and scream and yell and everyone here knows this. Even when Jon left for Hondo, in his prayer, he asked for God to keep the snakes away and/or shield my eyes from the snakes.

Today, twice, my cat caught a snake. What the heck???? She also caught one the other day. What is this? I actually was miffed at God and reminded him of Jon's prayer.

DanThoms said...

***note to self melanie is deathly afraid of snakes...

Helen Ann said...

Melanie -

The Lord wishes for you to remember that when Jon isn't there HE is there to protect you from the evil snakes...Fear not. ;-)

Helen Ann said...

Dan read my mind...

Allison needs to start a blog!

Tracy said...

Are you afraid that your mom will forget to pick you up at school and leave you stranded? That would soooo never happen, only not really.