Mexican Train Dominoes World Championship...

During the previous two nights of our vacation we set our fun aside to throw down some serious dominoes. Mexican Train Dominoes is an Olympic sport...and if it's not, well, that's just an upsetting injustice. A 2-day world championship tournament took place at the dining room table. The objective is to be left with the lowest score. Add the scores from day 1 and day 2 together to see who has the lowest overall score.

I'll let the evidence speak for itself:

3 waggish utterances thus far...:

Helen Ann said...

We have this game...Tis fun!

Melanie Price said...

Hey, I'm all about a good win, but what the heck happened to your poor little wife???? 8th??? I think you could have sacrificed for her a little...

DanThoms said...

Congratulations, the Mexican transit authority would be proud.