From 1 to 100...

Below is a video project of people ages 1 to 100 drumming a drum. I'm not really sure why, but I feel a wide range of things when I see it. It conjures up many thoughts really. The humanity. The diversity. The shortness of life. So many stories.

How does it make you feel when you watch it?

4 waggish utterances thus far...:

Melanie Price said...

Did you hear (around 87) the person in the background yelling, "STOP BANGING!"

DanThoms said...

That short if marvelous. I like the 99 year old guy because he was more alive than most of the 80 year olds... 100... is that it.

Jonah said...

Man that makes me feel young.

Ryan Allen Doan said...

that made me happy