Too much to tell...

If I were a good writer I would spend all my free time doing it.

I have too many things going to to keep you up to date...sorry journal. If you were to ask me to tell you a great bear story I could. If you were to ask me to tell you a great hiking story I could. If you were to ask me to tell you a story of beautiful things...I could.

I think I'm addicted to coffee. I'm actually to the point where I don't think I want to have any kind of carbonated energy drinks anymore. I was trying to choke one down in the car on my way to the airport and I couldn't even do it. My taste buds have been captured by espresso macchiatos. My God they're delicious.

I dumped irish cream coffee into boiling water I gathered from a mountain stream this morning. I used a dirty handkerchief to filter my 4x too strong coffee into a thermal mug. I think I'm addicted to coffee.

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