Public Accountability...


My poor wife. She's had to listen to me whine for at least six months about how fat I feel. I'm not in any kind of awful shape, but I am out of shape. Well...round is a shape I guess.

Anyway - I realize that I am still just a little guy in the scheme of things, but I don't feel good. I've been in much better shape than this and my clothes have fit at one point of my life. I don't want to be in a place where I am feeling uncomfortable. Therefore I am announcing publicly that I'm going to get in better shape.

The above image is from this morning. It shows that I weigh a little over 193lbs. Okay, shows that I weigh just under 194lbs. This is too much for 5'9'' me. My goal is to get down to 178lbs. I've been at 178lbs within the last couple of years and I felt great.

I've got a YMCA pass and active friends. There is no good reason why I can't achieve this goal. I'm beginning this morning by going rafting with a friend of mine. It should be intense.

So here's to dropping some el bees. Please help me stay on task!

14 waggish utterances thus far...:

Tracy said...

Good for you! I think posting your weight once a week would definitely hold you accountable. I look forward to seeing less of you but hearing more about it.

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

G'luck & good for you!

DanThoms said...

Wow, you are fat, ha ha ha ha. (I've heard that public humiliation is also good for loosing weight so I just thought that I'd do my part)

Cheri said...

Oh dear. I've thought of doing this on my blog for about a year now, but just can't muster up the courage. I think it's different for a woman. You go!

snobound said...

So, I guess from now on you'll be contributing "low-fat" recipes to the Pioneer Woman Cooks website. Do you think she'll have ya back if you're off butter???!!!!

Seriously, good luck to you - my beloved and I have been trying to lose weight now for the past several months - he's doing so much better than I am (he's down almost 30 pounds now). Guess I've been eating too many of Ree's recipes. I look forward to hearing about your progress.

Laurie said...

May GOD bless you in your endeavor.

Bring on the healthy fresh vegetable recipes.

Amy said...

Good for you! I found you through the PW website and enjoy your blog. I recently lost 14 lbs on a Low GI 'lifestyle'. The twelve week program required weekly weigh-ins. If we gained, or even maintained, we had to pay into a pot. I actually was the 'biggest loser' and won the pot, but now that the accountability is over, I find myself falling off the wagon - your endeavor has given me new motivation. May God bless your efforts!

Helen Ann said...

Go Ryan! Excellent job running this morning before the meetin'...I have gotten quite lazy m'self these days. Feel free to kick me in the arse too!

pseudobunny said...

(lurker from Ree's site & your zucc cakes)
I joined the YMCA in town (The PResidio/SF) so I could loose the baby weight but my nugget wouldn't stay in the childcare so all we do is swim. I think it works. And at least now mine has a love of the water and he roots the folks swimming laps every chance he gets. He also likes to fake lift weights with those training bars. Ha.
Working out at the Y is awesome cause it is all about family & health and not like those other gyms and their high falutin' ways.
Yeah. Get it on!
( and kids really do see it when you go to the Y - I love those memories from my childhood - but at an even better Y - Kaneohe, HI..Awesomeness!)
(Sorry for the blabber mouth - caffeine in full effect!..eep!)

Anonymous said...

Diet is important too. Cut out sugars and gratuitous fats (think cheetos) and you'll be well on your way!

Fun to see you on PW today!

Anonymous said...

New reader here from PW's site.

I'm proud of you for recognizing and making the decision to become healthier. I'm on the same road and will check back in periodically to see how you're doing.

Take inspiration from your Olympic athletes and get out there and m-o-v-e!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, rafting! I'm jealous... Don't have many tips, as I need to lose some poundage myself. But good luck!!!

Andrew said...

I like this idea

scott d said...

i'm pretty sure you are my long lost brother. i swear i'm reading the exact words i've used... (except my weight is higher... :( )

scott at impactwest dot com