I should know better...

I just spent the last ten minutes running around the house in full-blown panic mode [this looks like Allison coming over to bleach my hands and repeatedly dunking my face under water] trying to extinguish a fire in my eyes. It would seem that even washing your hands six times with strong cleansers is not enough to get the oils of a habanero pepper off of your skin.

Note to self. Don't touch eyes for approximately 7 months after messing with one of these little flavor bombs.

10 waggish utterances thus far...:

DanThoms said...

I eat those things like candy and know exactly what your talking about.

Helen Ann said...

It's punishment for the gnomes. :)

Unknown said...

Suggestion: Wear disposable latex gloves or be miserable.

Good thing you didn't touch your winky...

melanie said...

hey, hey, HEY..WHERE ARE THE GNOMES? Did you cave to the pressure of being a minister? Don't tell me.

dlyn said...

Someone beat me to it - I was going to say you should thank God you didn't have to pee ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh Wow! I'm so sorry that happened to you!! Ouch :(. I've found that the best way to avoid this being on your hands is to only touch the outer skin.. don't ever touch the white innerds or seeds.. hold the outer side of the pepper while using the knife to cut/scrape out the inside.. then lay the pieces with the inside facing down and chop up with a big knife to avoid contact and scrape up the chopped up pepper with the blade of your knife.

Anonymous said...

Also, try to avoid... umm... well, I see someone else already alluded to it! LOL

I burned my hands last summer cutting up just plain insignificant little JalapeƱos. They hurt well into the next day.

April said...

I ran into your blog from pioneerwoman.com

I've made the mistake of cutting up jalapeno's then putting my contacts in. Not a good idea. I grow habaneros in my garden every summer and YES THEY ARE HOT!

Elda - Peace in the Storm said...

Rub some lemon or tomato on your hands after handling these. The acidity in these will break down the oil residue in your hand. HTH

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, what were you making?

My older Brother LOVES spicy hot food so I bought him a can of peanuts (loves them also) seasoned among other things yet the first being Habaneros and he loved them! Well until halfway through the can while watching a football game, he said they "really started to burn!"

Do you know, are Habanerous the hottest pepper?

I found you on Pioneer Woman's site and I am really enjoying yours also.
