
Landscaping and gardening are sacred to me. The entire process of planning, buying, planting, maintaining, and even weeding is an easy way for me to slow down just enough for my cloudy mind to clear, and the sunshine to flow in. Each year I get the bug a little more and this year is no different...I've got it bad right now. All I want to do is work in the gardens. It's so fulfilling to see the work of your hands cause something to look better, healthier, more full of life.

The husbandry of the garden mimics so many areas in our lives. The commitment we take caring for plants, flowers, trees and shrubs is not unlike the investment we make in the human. Feed it, water it, nurture it, and it will thrive. Allow it to go hungry, dry, alone, and it will surely shrivel away to nothing eventually. Even those that we think are hardy...those that seem to need not much care at all...they too will inevitably wither and fade. Unless they are Honeysuckles. There are always Honeysuckles.

I've been doing a few landscaping jobs lately and it's been a blast. Extra money never hurts and it's something I truly enjoy doing. So if you need help in that area...let me know.

What's something that you just lose yourself in?

1 waggish utterances thus far...:

Helen Ann said...

I lose myself in writing...Creating it in my head...I often hold onto scenes and characters before writing them down...Something is lost in the translation often times from my head to the paper...So I like to savor and rewrite and rethink it before I let it go...