100th Post Contest!! Time's Up!!

Hello all...I think there might only be about 7 or 8 of you who read on a regular basis, but we're about to find out. thisisreverb.com has been running for a few months now. I've quickly fallen in love with blogging as I think I'm hilarious and I love hearing myself talk as well as reading my own type. Yes...I have a problem. This being my 100th post...I decided to celebrate by giving something away.

Now maybe I didn't get enough attention growing up, or maybe I just want to see who all is out there reading. Well...it's time to make yourself known with this contest.

Being a wordsmith...I love coming across new words that have interesting meanings. I'm looking for a new word to add to my vocabulary...something snappy...something fantastical.

Here are the rules:

Post 1 entry per person. Post one word and the meaning of that word. If I deem your word to be the best new word then you win! It must be a real word...I hate when my spellcheck goes crazy on me. It must also be something I haven't heard before...you're going to have to look for the strange ones. Contest ends on Monday @ Noon 2pm!

Example entry:
Jim Shoe says: Clinopyroxene - a mineral of the pyroxene group crystallizing in the monoclinic system.

Now what do you win? How about this?
A $50 amazon.com gift card!! Now come on out of the woodwork, get out your thesaurus, and get busy putting together a contest entry!!

19 waggish utterances thus far...:

Ryan Allen Doan said...

hypnopompic (hip-no-POM-pik) adjective

Pertaining to the semiconscious state before waking.

Jessica Y. said...

discombobulate - to confuse or disconcert; upset; frustrate.

DanThoms said...

Bafflegab: Incomprehensible or pretentious verbiage.

Helen Ann said...




dramatic dialogue, as in a Greek play, characterized by brief exchanges between two characters, each of whom usually speaks in one line of verse during a scene of intense emotion or strong argumentation.

example sentence: Dan Danly and his co-anchor engaged in pithy stichomythia during a classier edition of In The Know.

Jenny said...

foofaraw (foo'-fa-raw)-n. 1:frills and fancy finery. 2. a distrubance or to-do over a trifle

Melanie Price said...

Just ONE???

Okay, without any foofaraw:

Gongoozler: a rubbernecker, gawker, originally a canal watcher, now just a person staring without participating.

Did I tell you how great you are? Remember, I'M the one that told you that you were a great speaker today. Remember?? I'm so not above brown-nosing when it comes to a competition...

DanThoms said...

I'm pretty sure that melanie should be disqualified. We may need to bring in an unbiased judge for this one.

Melanie Price said...

Oh, are you worried Dan?? Just stand by and gongoozle. Don't bother doing any sucking up. I like Ryan and besides, he likes my hottie husband.

That's right. Stand back and gongoozle.

See how easy it is to fit that into everyday language?

Reverb said...

I'm liking where this is going...

Melanie Price said...

And I'm liking you, Ryan,

No reason, I just wanted to tell you that.

Unknown said...

zomotherapy - the treatment of disease with a diet of raw meat or meat juice.


Anonymous said...

my word is netherlands

it means dutch in german

Gable Price said...

Okay, that anonymous one was from Gable.

DanThoms said...

Is it just me or is melanie posting a lot of bafflegab lately?

Anonymous said...

bumbleshoot: umbrella

it's quick, it's snappy, it's real

oh yeah

Jonah said...

that was jonah price anonymous

Elaine said...

grapple - a cross between a grape and an apple

- very yummy fruit hybrid and should appeal to your love of food and verbage

lizzytro said...

burlesque [n., adj., v. bur-LESK] A literary or dramatic piece that mocks the serious or ridicules the frivolous is burlesque.

Reverb said...

Oh man...there are some good ones in here!! I'm going to be adding all of these to my vocab...I can only pick one winner though...hmm...who will it be?