Your daily dose of awesome...

7 waggish utterances thus far...:

Helen Ann said...

daaag that guy knows his Scripture! :)

Unknown said...

I'm not so sure that's the way to handle it, but it was entertaining.

DanThoms said...

I had one of these guys come to my house 3 times before he realized that it was a lost cause.

Reverb said...

Yes, I too would have handled it a little differently than he did. It was certainly entertaining though.

Helen Ann said...

Yeah - I didn't wanna be the one to say that he was kind of abrasive...But he did speak Truth!


Jordan Singleton said...

That was cool. I wish he had quoted references so I could check him in context.

I just had JWs at my door an hour ago, and since they woke me out of bed I just couldn't figure out what to say to them... It's too bad, really, they are caught up in a web of lies and they could be free... but I didn't do anything to free them when they were ON MY DOORSTEP. gah.

Ryan Allen Doan said...

i just wet myself. that was hilarious