
I'm having some trouble focusing lately. I need to work on getting myself organized and sticking to my schedules. This whole "living in community" thing is throwing my off a little. It's great...really great, we just have to make sure we aren't sacrificing other areas - such as focus for me - for the community time.

What was I talking about again?

3 waggish utterances thus far...:

DanThoms said...

Quit blogging and get back to work. I feel you though, I can get sidetracked by pretty much anything. In fact I was getting ready to print some files when I thought to myself, hey I wonder if there are any new blogs.

melanie said...

Are you saying 'it's great...really great' as in Nacho Libre, "My life is gooood, real gooood"?
I don't know if this has anything to do with your lack of focus, but Jon is feeling the same and he thinks it is a)the Sat. night thing and b) still processing Honduras ~ it took him about 4 or 5 weeks last time to feel normal. Or whatever normal is for him.
For an example of my focus level, read the If You Give a Moose a Muffin, a Mouse a Cookie series.

Tracy said...

Ok. Today I was watching KICKING AND SCREAMING and I thought of you and this post. Remember Will Ferrel and how he became a mean and crazy coach? Do you remember why? I will tell you. It's the black stuff, java, joe....that's right.....COFFEE! I think that since Ryan Doan has been living there you have consumed way too much of the stuff, thus making you less focused. See?