Guess what I'm getting my wife...

This Valentine's day I'm going all out. Allison is in for a real treat. I'm getting her...


We've decided not to celebrate one of the dumbest holidays ever Valentine's day. Every day is Valentine's day to romantic scoundrels like us...bahaha! We plan on hanging out together and I'll cook us up some NY Strips with Mashed Potatoes and some leafy Greens. Who knows, we might even play Scrabble or watch a movie!! Throw in a trip to Home Depot and it might put us over the edge. The important part is that we'll be doing it. You That's what married couples are supposed to do. If you're married, and you aren't doing had better be close to dead or maybe ridden with Leprosy. should be doing it.

Single people out's something you should aspire to. Don't do it unless you're married kids. Trust's not nearly as awesome.

On another note - I am currently PTLing *oh, that's praising the Lord* about the fact that a coffeehouse / restaurant has opened up right by the hobby store where I work a few days a week. There has been absolutely NOTHING to eat around here! If I happen to forget to bring something for lunch...I'm normally doomed. No more! Tag's Coffeehouse has opened up and I couldn't be more excited. I got a great chicken salad sandwich there was scrumdiddlyumptious. I got a latte too...don't tell!

After I leave here I'll be heading to a meeting with Tim, my Pastah, to discuss a hundred of my dreams and goals for 2008. Oh yeah baby...

That's that!

6 waggish utterances thus far...:

DanThoms said...

I bought myself a 48 pack of Andy Capps hot fries to celebrate.

Helen Ann said...

I'm going to a party with Carol McMahan! :) :) Den and I can't celebrate til Saturday...Bummer.

Ryan Allen Doan said...

I didn't even know it was V day. Luckily Carrie couldn't care less.

Unknown said...

I spent a good portion of the day in the ER. We were able to go out for a pleasant dinner later, but actually the time in the ER meant more to me. It was a time to bond, support, and love, and it was good.

Melanie Price said...

Let me get this straight...
A couple of entries back you said that you and Alison were heading to the bedroom to get down to business. Then you called those of us who thought 'business' meant 'business' sickos.
Now, 'it' really means 'it' and we're not sickos anymore? I'm confused.

Anonymous said...

Ahahahahahahaha! Close to dead or ridden with leprosy? Harharhar... :))